B12 Injections during COVID-19 Pandemic – Update 19/03/2020

We have had a number of enquiries regarding Vitamin B12 injections. 

Whilst we understand there is a lot of concern about risk to patient health if their schedule of B12 injections is disrupted. We have been provided reassurance from the Consultant Haematologist that this is not the case in the short-medium term. Therefore postponement of B12 injections during COVID-19 pandemic is the responsible measure to reduce patient exposure in community and at the surgery.  

We will endeavour to ensure this is a short term measure, which we will review on a daily basis and we will announce reinstatement in due course on our website. 

In the meantime, The British Society of Haematology guidelines support switching intramuscular B12 injections following loading regime to daily oral Cyanocobalamin 1mg. It is recognised many patients feel many benefits from the injections, but even severe pernicious anaemia requires only 3 monthly injections if not taking oral supplements, oral B12 is available in pharmacies as over counter the medication.