Court Road Surgery


Voluntary Organisations in the Vale of Glamorgan – how to find out more

There are a lot of voluntary organisations providing services in the Vale of Glamorgan.  These services include befriending, advocacy, help with shopping, home adaptations, social activities, lunch clubs, transport, helplines, support groups, welfare benefits advice and much more.

It can be difficult to know where to go to for support.  Vale Centre for Voluntary Services (VCVS) has produced some directories of voluntary services which make it easier to find the information you want.

These directories include a directory of services for carers and for older people.

Other organisations also produce directories of services, such as the Parent’s Federation and Cardiff and Vale Action for Mental Health.

If you want to know more, and are looking for advice and support, please follow the link below:

If you would like more information, or can’t find what you are looking for, please contact VCVS on 01446 741706.

Doctors - Volunteering Presentation

Date published: 27th February, 2015
Date last updated: 27th February, 2015